Love at First Sight
Nam tortor neque, eleifend et odio vel, ultrices consectetur lectus. Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
My mom and I spent hours and hours FaceTiming each other to discuss wedding plans. The rest of the planning went pretty smooth. I knew I wanted the decorations and “theme” to be simple, yet elegant.Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
The Happiest Day!
Start Living Together
Nam tortor neque, eleifend et odio vel, ultrices consectetur lectus. Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
My mom and I spent hours and hours FaceTiming each other to discuss wedding plans. The rest of the planning went pretty smooth. I knew I wanted the decorations and “theme” to be simple, yet elegant.Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
The Happiest Day!
Engagement Ceremony
Nam tortor neque, eleifend et odio vel, ultrices consectetur lectus. Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
My mom and I spent hours and hours FaceTiming each other to discuss wedding plans. The rest of the planning went pretty smooth. I knew I wanted the decorations and “theme” to be simple, yet elegant.Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
The Happiest Day!
We’re Getting Married
Nam tortor neque, eleifend et odio vel, ultrices consectetur lectus. Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
My mom and I spent hours and hours FaceTiming each other to discuss wedding plans. The rest of the planning went pretty smooth. I knew I wanted the decorations and “theme” to be simple, yet elegant.Vestibulum euismod scelerique augue ut aliquet.
The Happiest Day!